Bio: G. Edward Suh is a Senior Director of Research, and leads a group in security
and privacy research. He is also an Adjunct Professor in the School of Electrical and Computer
Engineering at Cornell University, where he served on the faculty from 2007 to 2023. Before joining
NVIDIA, he was a Research Scientist in the Fundamental AI Research (FAIR) team at Meta. He earned
a B.S. in Electrical Engineering from Seoul National University and an M.S. and a Ph.D. in Electrical
Engineering and Computer Science from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT). His research
interests include computer systems in general with particular focus on computer architecture and
security. His recent research focuses on building secure computing systems for secure and private
AI, and using AI to improve the security of computer systems. His past research received multiple
test-of-time awards and is widely recognized for the impact at the intersection of hardware and security.
For example, his work on Physical Unclonable Function (PUF) is now used in commercial products such as
Xilinx FPGAs for storing secret keys. His work on the AEGIS secure processor received a test-of-time
award for its contribution for trusted execution environments deployed across the industry today. He is a
Fellow of IEEE.
University of Michigan
Bio: Todd Austin is the S. Jack Hu Collegiate Professor of Electrical Engineering and
Computer Science at the University of Michigan in Ann Arbor. His research interests include computer
architecture, robust and secure system design, hardware and software verification, and performance analysis
tools and techniques. From 2012-2017, Todd was the director of C-FAR, the Center for Future Architectures
Research, a multi-university SRC/DARPA funded center that was seeking technologies to scale the performance
and efficiency of future computing systems. Prior to joining academia, Todd was a Senior Computer Architect
in Intel’s Microcomputer Research Labs, a product-oriented research laboratory in Hillsboro, Oregon. Todd
is the first to take credit (but the last to accept blame) for creating the SimpleScalar Tool Set, a
popular collection of computer architecture performance analysis tools. Todd is co-author (with Andrew
Tanenbaum of Vrije Universiteit) of the undergraduate computer architecture textbook, “Structured Computer
Architecture, 6th Ed.” In addition to his work in academia, Todd is founder of SimpleScalar LLC, and co-founder
of Agita Labs Inc. and InTempo Design LLC. In 2002, Todd was a Sloan Research Fellow, and in 2007 he received
the ACM Maurice Wilkes Award for “innovative contributions in Computer Architecture including the SimpleScalar
Toolkit and the DIVA and Razor architectures.” Todd is an IEEE Fellow, and he received his PhD in Computer
Science from the University of Wisconsin in 1996.
Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT)
Bio: Srini Devadas is the Webster Professor of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT). He received his MS and PhD from the University of California, Berkeley in 1986 and 1988, respectively. He joined MIT in 1988 and served as Associate Head of the Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, with responsibility for Computer Science, from 2005 to 2011.
Devadas’s research interests span Computer-Aided Design (CAD), computer security and computer architecture and he has received significant awards from each discipline. He received the 1990 IEEE Transactions on CAD best paper award for work on synthesis for testability and the 1996 IEEE Transactions on VLSI Systems best paper award for work on power estimation. He received the 50th Design Automation Conference (DAC 2013) Top 10 Cited Author Award, for being among the top ten most cited DAC authors in DAC’s 50 year history and the DAC Best-Paper Hat-Trick Award, for winning DAC best paper awards three times. Devadas was elected a Fellow of the IEEE in 1999 for contributions to design automation.
Devadas and his students invented silicon Physical Unclonable Functions (PUFs) in 2002. PUFs are the technological basis of the founding of Verayo, a company focused on improving the security of computer hardware. Based on integrated-circuit manufacturing variation, Verayo has developed secure RFID chips that are in use in anti-counterfeiting applications and secret-key generation technology. Devadas’s papers on PUFs have received best paper awards at ACSAC 2002, HOST 2011 and HOST 2012.
In computer architecture, Devadas’s papers on analytical cache modeling and the Aegis single-chip secure processor were recognized as influential papers in the “25 Years of the International Conference on Supercomputing” volume. His work on hardware-information flow tracking published in the 2004 ASPLOS received the ASPLOS Most Influential Paper Award in 2014.
Max Planck Institute
Bio: Christof Paar is Director of the Max Planck Institute for Security and Privacy, Germany. He is also affiliated with the University of Massachusetts Amherst. He is also the Co-Founder of ESCRYPT Inc., a leading system provider for automotive security, which is now part of Bosch. He has co-founded Cryptographic Hardware and Embedded Systems (CHES), the leading international conference on applied cryptography. His research interests include hardware security, physical-layer security, and security analysis of real-world systems. He is a fellow of IACR and the IEEE. He has given invited talks at MIT, Oxford, Stanford, and Yale.
Nanyang Technical University(NTU)
Bio: Shivam Bhasin received the bachelor’s degree from UP Tech, India, in 2007, the master’s degree from Mines Saint-Etienne, France, in 2008, and the PhD degree from Telecom Paristech, in 2011. He is a senior research scientist and principal investigator at Physical Analysis and Cryptographic Engineering Laboratory, Temasek labs, Nanyang Technical University Singapore, since 2015. His research interests include embedded security, trusted computing and secure designs. Before NTU, Shivam held position of Research Engineer in Institut Mines-Telecom, France. He was also a visiting researcher at UCL, Belgium (2011) and Kobe University, Japan (2013). He regularly publishes at top peer reviewed journals and conferences. Some of his research now also forms a part of ISO/IEC 17825 Standard. He is a member of the IEEE.